This generation of Indian young people is aware that it does not pay to pretend to be something you’re not. For example, you cannot claim to be a cricket expert if you don’t follow the sport. Every comment, every post, every share is closely scrutinized. Fluff is easily sniffed out and rejected.

If someone copies from a blog, it is the norm to give due credit to its owner. Getting inspired by another person is great, but plagiarism is an absolute no-no.

It is important to have views that are well-researched and supported with reasoning–even if they’re just based on emotions. It is okay to change views. It is okay to have flux in life, as chaos is the new order. But it is important to have one’s own point of view about issues that matter – whether they’re social, political or personal.

And they should be ready to defend those views to their peers, parents or digital connections, if need be. This is a very aspirational quality that all youngsters look up to. This is what sets one apart from the herd and gets respect. This is what makes friends turn into fans and follow you.

Both genders have strong points of view on different issues, but boys are more vocal about them than girls.

Young people in larger cities express their ideas and views more than those in smaller towns.

75% of Indian young people believe that social media and the internet have empowered them to be more vocal.


These insights are part of The Many Me Project, a six-month interactive investigation of 11,000 people ages 13 to 25 across India.