Recently, we analyzed several recent studies to paint a picture of what life is like for men in Italy – how they’re feeling, what keeps them up at night, and what makes them feel better about the world. Here’s what we found:

Italian men believe happiness, balance in life, and liking their job are essential to success. Men in Italy and around the world believe that happiness is the most important sign of success (62% of Italian men, 59% of men globally). Their #2 sign of success is finding the right balance in life (globally this is ranked fourth), followed by having an enjoyable job.  Italian men are also more likely than their global peers to value being surrounded by the right people, doing well at work, and being in control. They value homeownership and wealth less than men globally.

Compared with men in other countries, Italian men are less happy and more stressed. When asked to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10, they were less likely to place themselves at 7 or above (60% of Italian men, 71% of men globally). Meanwhile, they were more likely to rate themselves as at least a 7 in stress (49% of Italian men, 31% of men globally). Just 63% feel they’re good at dealing with stress, compared with 73% of men globally.

They worry most about their parents’ well-being and their own employment prospects. Italian men’s top stressor is their parents’ health and safety (82% vs. 78% of men globally). They are more likely than their global peers to have concerns about work and finances, with over three-quarters worrying about being unemployed, not having enough money, and not living up to their full potential. They also worry more about making their parents and spouse/partner proud.

While many Italian men feel like they’re doing okay financially now, they’re not optimistic. Men in Italy are about as likely as men around the globe to say they feel financially comfortable (66% vs. 64%). But only 31% of Italian men feel their personal financial situation has improved over the last couple of years, compared to 52% of men globally. Only 45% feel positive about their financial future, compared to 55% globally.

Family and friends are their main source of contentment and stress relief. Spending time with family is what makes Italian men happiest, followed closely by time with friends and romantic partners. And when it comes to stress, being with loved ones is their #2 method for coping.

Their parents – Mom especially – still have a lot of influence. Italian men are much more likely than men in other countries to feel inspired by their parents (Mom: 73% of Italian men, 63% of men globally; Dad: 66% of Italian men, 54% of men globally). They trust their mothers the most (61%), followed by their fathers (56%), themselves (50%), their best friends (43%), and finally their romantic partners (38%). When Italian men need advice, the first person they turn to is Mom.

Fatherhood is their most treasured role. Italian men are more likely than men in other countries to believe that having children is one of the most important things a person can do in life (86% vs. 82%). In fact, 81% of Italian dads believe that life is not fully complete unless you have kids.